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Weblog And "Most Viewed" Links

See what's hot right now: What are bloggers posting? What are other people viewing? 40 links in this category
 Alexa Top 500 Sites — Find new popular web sites. Everybody else can't be wrong, can they?
 Anomalist Newsline — Anomalous, paranormal, and unusual news from around the world, updated daily.
 blogdex — "the most contagious information currently spreading in the weblog community"
 Boing Boing — Another nice weblog of interesting stuff. — A community-built list of interesting links, updated constantly.
 Digg — Digg is a user-generated news aggregator. Users vote on which stories should be promoted to the front page, and comment on those stories.
 Fark — Fark is yet another list of amusing news stories and links.
 Google Zeitgeist — Google Zeitgeist is a regularly-updated report of popularity trends.
 Memepool — Memepool offers a collection of links that are interesting, but largely frivalous.
 Metafilter — The user comments are incredibly inane, but the first page offers an interesting collection of links.
 MSNBC Most Recommended Stories — MSNBC Most Recommended Stories
 Newshub Top 25 Stories — A ranked list of the most popular news stories.
 NPR Most Emailed — NPR Most Emailed
 NY Times Most Emailed — NY Times Most Emailed
 popdex — the website popularity index
 Reddit — Another user-generated news aggregator like Digg. Users vote on which stories should be promoted to the front page, and comment on those stories. Tends to have more thoughtful analysis of stories than Digg.
 Slashdot — Slashdot
 Technorati — Web services for weblogs. Find out who's linking to you, keyword search of blogs.
 Top 25 AFP Stories — Top 25 AFP Stories
 Top 25 AP Stories — Yahoo News Top 25 AP Stories
 Top 25 NPR Stories — Top 25 NPR Stories
 Top 25 Reuters Stories — Top 25 Reuters Stories
 Top 25 USA Today Stories — Top 25 USA Today Stories
 Top 25 Washington Post Stories — Top 25 Washington Post Stories
 What's Making Blognews — Yet another site that polls blogs to get a list of the most popular links that they are linking to.
 Yahoo Buzz World Report — Yahoo Buzz Index World Report - Popular Searches From Around The World
 Yahoo Full Coverage — Yahoo Full Coverage
 Yahoo Highest Rated Science — Yahoo Highest Rated Science stories.
 Yahoo Highest Rated Stories — Yahoo Highest Rated Stories
 Yahoo Most Popular Oddly Enough — Yahoo Most Popular Oddly Enough
 Yahoo Most-Emailed News — An addictive page, updated continously, of the most-emailed news stories and photos.
 Yahoo Reader Ratings Most Active — Yahoo Reader Ratings Most Active
 Yahoo Top 20 Searches — The Buzz Index Weekly - The Week's Top 20 Searches
Note: Links do not imply any endorsement of the products, services or information on the linked site.
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