Welcome to the Corporate Gibberish Generator™ by Andrew Davidson. andrewdavidson/at\andrewdavidson/dot\com
Enter your company name and click
"Generate" to generate several paragraphs of corporate gibberish
suitable for pasting into your prospectus.
(The gibberish is geared more toward Internet and technology companies.)
The user interfaces factor can be summed up in one word: 24/7.
Have you ever needed to exploit your functionality? Immediately?
Our technology takes the best features of XML and RDF.
Our functionality is unparalleled, but our cutting-edge user interfaces and user-proof operation is constantly considered a remarkable achievement.
The platforms factor is magnetic.
The metrics for re-purposing are more well-understood if they are not B2B.
We will revolutionize the standard industry jargon-based term "seamless".
We will add to our power to enable without reducing our capacity to strategize.
We will innovate the commonly-used buzzword "front-end".
The macro-cross-media performance factor is client-focused.
Is it more important for something to be front-end or to be customer-defined?
The web services factor is customer-defined, 60/24/7/365.
We here at Sample Company have proven we know that it is better to redefine nano-globally than to evolve transparently.
What does the industry jargon "clicks-and-mortar" really mean?
We invariably optimize leading-edge process management. That is an amazing achievement when you consider this fiduciary term's cycle!
The power to deploy magnetically leads to the power to revolutionize efficiently.
The subscriber communities factor is mission-critical.
We think that most compelling portals use far too much XML, and not enough Ruby on Rails.
Our feature set is unparalleled in the industry, but our fractal end-to-end visionary, six-sigma, infinitely reconfigurable compliance and user-proof operation is invariably considered a remarkable achievement.
It sounds contradictory, but it's true!
The data hygiene factor can be summed up in one word: synergistic.
Your budget for deploying should be at least three times your budget for reinventing.
We think that most virtual splash pages use far too much PGP, and not enough C++.
What does it really mean to innovate "robustly"?
We believe we know that it is better to iterate ultra-magnetically than to repurpose magnetically.
At Sample Company, we have come to know how to e-enable perfectly.
Without well-planned subscriber communities, subscriber communities are forced to become compelling.
Your budget for branding should be at least one-half of your budget for strategizing.
Imagine a combination of HTML and Ruby on Rails.
Think nano-user-defined.
What does the term "raw bandwidth" really mean?
We will benchmark the ability of web services to matrix.
It comes off as unclear, but it's true!
Think global. Think user-defined. Think cross-platform. But don't think all three at the same time.
What does it really mean to synergize "ultra-intra-strategically"?
Our feature set is unparalleled in the industry, but our efficient TQC and user-proof operation is usually considered a terrific achievement.
Is it more important for something to be C2C2C or to be customer-directed?
Imagine a combination of SVG and Java.
At Sample Company, we understand how to synthesize micro-transparently.
We understand that if you visualize virally then you may also innovate virtually.
The metrics for models are more well-understood if they are not virtual.
What does it really mean to orchestrate "iteravely"?
If all of this sounds mixed-up to you, that's because it is!
Think leading-edge, B2C2B, front-end, C2C2B. Think revolutionary. Think virtual, killer. But don't think all three at the same time.
We think that most leading-edge web portals use far too much Python, and not enough WAP.
We have proven we know that if you harness transparently then you may also monetize robustly.
We always incentivize social-network-based, infinitely reconfigurable metrics. That is a terrific achievement when you consider the current and previous fiscal year's market conditions!
Think plug-and-play. Think C2C2C. Think viral. But don't think all three at the same time.
If all of this seems incredible to you, that's because it is!
We will regenerate our aptitude to strategize without diminishing our power to cultivate.
If all of this seems estranging to you, that's because it is!
Have you ever needed to deliver your functionality? In one step?
Imagine a combination of Perl and AJAX.
We will inflate our capacity to actualize without decreasing our aptitude to reinvent.
The content management factor can be summed up in one word: synergistic.
We think that most viral portals use far too much JavaScript, and not enough RDF.
We pride ourselves not only on our feature set, but our easy administration and simple use.
What does the commonly-used commonly-used term "mission-critical" really mean?
We understand that if you revolutionize extensibly then you may also expedite strategically.
Is it more important for something to be compelling or to be virally-distributed?
Imagine a combination of J++ and PNG.
We apply the proverb "Don't cry over spilt milk" not only to our portals but our capability to visualize.
Without bricks-and-clicks TQC, you will lack ultra-resource-constrained raw bandwidth.
Your budget for evolving should be at least one-half of your budget for morphing.
Without preplanned interfaces, architectures are forced to become infinitely reconfigurable.
Sample Company practically invented the term "subscriber communities".
We have proven we know that it is better to embrace robustly than to envisioneer wirelessly.
The metrics for power shifts are more well-understood if they are not short-term.
Think 24/7.
Think nano-bleeding-edge.
Your budget for deploying should be at least one-half of your budget for enabling.
It may seem dumbfounding, but it's 100% 100% realistic!
Without subscriber-defined structuring metrics, you will lack users.
Your budget for transforming should be at least one-tenth of your budget for extending.
Think innovative.
What does it really mean to visualize "virtually"?